Boughton Church Window Gary Trouton

Minutes to Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting

June 2004

Record of the latest Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting

Minutes to Stoke Ferry Parish Council Meeting held in the Community Centre Wednesday 5th May 2004 at 7.45pm

Those attending Mr M. Mycock, Mrs M Leaman, Mr B Harrison, Mr M Evans, Mrs T Mann, Mr S Randall, Mrs V Negus (Clerk) PC 159 Jackson, 11 members of the public

Apologies were received from Mr A White, Mr T Manley, Mr C Stocking

Minutes of the previous meeting. Mrs Mann proposed that the minutes be adopted. Seconded by Mr Evans

Matters arising

(a) Playing Field sign - Not yet in place. Clerk to follow up

(b) Planning - Mrs Sharp to be contacted again

(c) Closed churchyard - Borough Council have confirmed that whilst privately owned properties are not within their jurisdiction, they can be contacted in the event of any problems

(d) Wall in Furlong Road - Borough Council have confirmed that a temporary buttress should be erected. Clerk to follow up

(e) Playing Field Entrance - after discussion it was agreed that a site meeting should be arranged with the Borough Council and County Council to discuss the lack of parking facilities and the problems with high kerbs.

(f) Highway Matters - County Council have programmed all reported items but no progress appears to be made. Clerk to follow up.

(g) Cemetery - planning application being submitted for change of use for new cemetery before consecration can proceed. The wheeled bin has been stolen. The Parish Council agreed the purchase of a replacement at a cost of £21. to eliminate the large build up of rubbish.

Liaison Meeting Dates

Wednesday 9th June

Wednesday 8th September

Wednesday 8th December


4 dwellings at Brwenjon, Wretton Road - approved by Borough Council

Dwelling at The Limes, Wretton Road - refused by Borough Council

Extension to shop and creation of first floor flat, Buckenham Drive- approved by Parish Council with concerns expressed regarding parking and retention of shop.

Payments for Approval

Allianz Cornhill Insurance Plc Annual Insurance £493.06

McAlpine Management Services 1/2 year lighting maintenance £238.98

Association of Parish & Town Councils Subscription £146.28

Borough Council Cemetery Rates £58.47

Cleanaway replacement wheeled bin £21.00

Adoption of Annual Accounts

Copy of annual accounts had been circulated. The annual accounts and annual return were proposed for adoption by Mrs Leaman and seconded by Mr Harrison including Financial Regulations and Risk Assessment and Management.


Request for approval of memorials from H Brett & Sons - approved by Parish Council

Other Business

(a) Mr Mycock reported that the hedge planted at the cemetery last year was in poor condition. Clerk to contact Country Grounds maintenance

(b) Mr Mycock reported that the telephone box had been vandalised. Clerk to report to British Telecom

(c) Blocked gully at the junction of Boughton Road and Lynn Road

(d) Fallen kerbs at 37 Buckenham Road and area between the garages and hairdressers at Buckenham Road

(e) Inappropriate parking at various locations. These were noted by PC Jackson.

(f) Mr Bonnett asked who would dispose of the existing rubbish in the cemetery. Mr Mycock confirmed that he would deal with it.

(g) Following a discussion of drainage, clerk to contact Highways

(h) Following a discussion of the construction of 4 dwellings at Wretton Road Mr Mycock pointed out that development is not possible outside the existing village building line.

(i) Following a query regarding the cost of additional street lighting Mr Mycock confirmed that if this is not provided by the Parish Council it is not paid for by the Parish Council.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.45pm

Parish Clerk

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