War Memorial Gary Trouton

Stoke Ferry Parish Council

July 2003

Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 30th April 2003

Minutes of the meeting held in the Community Centre on Wednesday 30th April 2003 at 7.55pm

1. Those attending

Mr A. White (Chairman), Mr M. Mycock (Vice-Chairman), Mr R Ward, Mr G Patterson, Mr M. Mann, Mr L. Bonnett, Mrs M Leaman, Mr C Stocking, Mr T Manley (Borough Councillor) Mrs V Negus (Clerk) 7 members of the public

2. Apologies were received from Mrs Lewis and PC Smith

3. Minutes of the previous meeting.

Mr Mann proposed that the minutes be adopted, seconded by Mr Mycock.

4. Matters Arising

a) Right of Way at Great Mans Way

Mr Mycock pointed out that he was concerned regarding the access to the right of way, not only as a Councillor but also as a trustee of the charity land. Mr Manley suggested a meeting be arranged with the resident at Great Mans Way, himself and representatives of the Trustees and Parish Council in order to resolve the problem. Mr Mycock asked that this be delayed pending the result of correspondence sent by the Trustees. The Chairman pointed out that he had received an unsigned letter from a resident of Stoke Ferry regarding this issue. It was also established that the Parish Council would support the application by a Stoke Ferry resident in conjunction with the Legal Services at NCC to upgrade the footpath to a bridleway.

b) It was established that the spikes on the wall at the Favor Parker factory need planning permission and this would be dealt with by Planning Control.

c) Kerb at Buckenham Drive - A representative to be arranged at the next Council meeting to meet the Highway Engineer to discuss kerb lowering points.

d) Fallen wall in Furlong Road - this is being dealt with by the Borough Council and no further action is needed by the Parish Council

e) Mr Manley arranged to speak to the member of public regarding his concerns on rates after the meeting.

f) Notice Board - Mr Mann pointed out that the notice board will be refurbished free of charge by Gordon Holton with the materials being supplied by Richard Allen.

g) Central white lines in Wretton Road would be installed in the Summer.

5. Planning

High Ash, Little Lane - recommended for refusal by the Parish Council

6. Accounts

The accounts for the year ended March 2003 were presented by the clerk. Mr Mycock proposed that the accounts be adopted, seconded by Mr Stocking.

7. Payment of Bills

Cheques agreed for payment:

NCAPTC for Declaration of Acceptance forms £2

NCAPTC subscription for 2003/04 £142.49

Clerks' salary for quarter ended February 2003 £325.00

Half year street lighting maintenance £238.98

8. Correspondence

a) Annual insurance quote. Clerk to check with Playing field committee regarding the insurance on the equipment

b) Mott MacDonald re 20mph speed limit on development of Wretton Road. This was supported by the Parish Council but it was also felt that a 20mph speed limit should be requested for Buckenham Drive.

c) Go-East - Renewable Energy and Planning Forum - Mr Stocking will attend if possible

d) NCC Street Lighting Engineer - possibility of joining with the NCC Street Lighting Energy Contract from March 2004

e) NCC Appointment to a local access forum for Norfolk. Raise at next meeting

9. Councillors Other Business

a) Mr Mycock was disappointed that there were not candidates for the Parish Council at the meeting

b) Mr Mann asked if the road sweeping agreed by Grampian for the area between the Furlong and the Mill was still being carried out. Mr Manley will establish this at the liaison meeting on 9th May.

10. Members of the Public Other Business

a) Following further discussion of the unsigned letter received regarding Great Mans Way a member of the public expressed concern regarding intimidating signs. Clerk to establish if these signs are permitted.

b) Concern was expressed that the footpath from the bottom of Furlong Drive was still not clearly marked. This matter is being dealt with by the footpaths Officer.

c) Following discussion of the land next to Ferry Stores this will be raised at the next meeting.

There being no further business Mr White thanked the Councillors for their service over the past 4 years and also thanked Mr Manley for attending the meetings. He also thanked the members of the public for attending.

Next meeting arranged for Wednesday 21st May. The meeting closed at 8.45pm.

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