Wereham Sign Gary Trouton

Wereham Parish Council

June 2003

Minutes of the annual meeting held on 14th May 2003

Minutes of the Wereham Annual Parish Council meeting held following the Parish Meeting on 14th May 2002 in the Village Hall.

1. Present: G. Gott - Chairman, Mrs Koopowitz, Mrs. Willis, D. Pickston, P. Markwell, T. Manley - Borough Councillor together with four members of the public

2. Apologies: H. Smith

3. Election of Chairman:

G. Gott was proposed by Mrs. Willis and seconded by G. Clere- there being no other nominations G. Gott was duly elected.

4. Election of Vice-chairman:

Mrs. Koopowitz was proposed by Mrs. Willis and seconded by D. Pickston - there being no other nominations Mrs. Koopowitz was duly elected.

5. Minutes:

Mrs. Koopowitz proposed and G. Clere seconded that the minutes of the meeting held on 12th March 2002 be signed as a correct record.

6. Matters Arising:

There are manholes which still need attention but the matter is in hand. Waste Bins - there are three in the Clerk's possession which need to be placed and fixed. Mr. Clere agreed to inspect the bins and decide what other materials are required to complete the exercise. Cemetery - quotes for the required work were received from C.G.M. Ltd - £198.00 plus V.A.T. and R. Furminger £150. 00. It was proposed by D. Pickston and seconded by Mrs. Koopowitz that the lower of the two quotations be accepted. British Sugar replied to our letter and confirmed that the fence and gateway are now reinstated but it was pointed out by G. Gott that there should be a footpath which is now fenced off.

7. Planning:

K. English - Replacement window in the Post Office. T. Hewitt, The Manor - Const of detached Garage - both recommended for approval.

8. Payments:

Village Hall £36.00: NAP&T Councils £104.65: Norfolk Playing Fields £15.00: W.N.B.C. £80.73 : Cornhill Ins. £227.89 proposed by G. Clere and seconded by Mrs. Koopowitz pass for payment.

9. Audit Report:

This was considered, accepted and appropriate action taken. Appointment of R.F.O.: Proposed D. Pickston and seconded by G. Clere that the Clerk be appointed.

10. Clerk's Salary:

This is to be reviewed in due course.

11. Burial Fees:

It was proposed by Mrs. Willis and seconded by G. Clere that these should now be slightly increased - £5.00 on burials and £3.00 on internment of Ashes. Electricity Account: This is to continue to be paid by monthly direct debit as proposed by Mrs. Koopowitz and seconded by D. Pickston.

12. Insurance:

The Fidelity Guarantee element is to be increased in line with the Auditors report

13. Correspondence:

W.N. Matters: Norfolk Matters: Signpost: News from Norfolk Health Authority all noted. N.C.C. Questionnaire - clerk to complete and return. Mr. H. Smith sent a letter of resignation due to ill health - clerk to acknowledge and thank him for his services and wish him well with his medical treatment.

14. Any Other Business:

Church Wall needs attention - clerk to contact the builder. Rubbish needs removing from the pond. Reflector posts need replacing at Charlton House corner. A letter is to be sent to Frimstone's and Favor Parker Ltd requesting their drivers to adhere to the speed limit when traveling through the Village. There is a pot hole in the footpath between Crown Gardens and Flegg Green. The playtrain is now dangerous and is to be removed from the playing field. The barriers at the Flegg Green / A134 junction have been damaged and need repairing or replacing and the lights on both the islands need to be brighter.

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