Wereham Sign Gary Trouton

The Story So Far

March 2002

Page Six

Les continues his search for material for his Best Seller. Taking time out for relaxation he escorts the delectable Anne to a Gala Dinner Dance at Wereham Village Hall. Anne unfortunately, having no doubt enjoyed more than the one glass, on leaving the Hall falls into Wereham Pond.

Arriving back at Methwold Les goes to his Study, pours himself a large gin and tonic, lights an Embassy No 1, and sits there deliberating over the day's events. It was clear to Les that there was a tremendous amount of affection between Anne and himself, and fellow dancers that evening were aware of this. The delectable Anne had always thought that Les was wonderful, and come to think of it, so did he. In reflective mood Les knew that by now someone would have pulled Anne out of Wereham Pond and, rest assured, Hilgay Silver Band would have been booked for a return engagement. And what of vocalist, Ken English? Would the message have been, 'Don't ring us, we'll ring you'? Les retires to his bedroom heavy with sleep.

Ladies and Gentlemen, BBC TV welcomes you to Wereham Village Hall for the semi-finals of 'Come Dancing' between South West Norfolk and East Suffolk. Representing S W Norfolk are Les and the Delectable Anne, who will start us off with a Waltz. Anne is a Secretary with a local Magazine and Les is an aspiring Author. Now this is wonderful, even the Judges are applauding as Les and Anne complete a most delegate and brilliantly executed, Chassis Reverse Spin. Anne looks immaculate, although for some strange reason she looks soaking wet. Les is the epitome of elegance, but from my commentary position he appears to be wearing bicycle clips, and dangling from his mouth it looks as if it's an Embassy No 1. Yes, just as I thought the Judges have awarded Les and Anne well deserved maximum points.

Les is awakened by his phone ringing in the Kitchen. This confuses him somewhat as his phone is in the Study but, although he considers he may have some faults, worrying over technicalities is not one of them. Could this call be the one he seeks, the one that will go some way to providing him with the material he requires for his Best Seller? Or could the call be from the real love of his life, the delectable Miss Jones, who broke his heart when she uprooted and went to live with some carrot digging Gigolo from Methwold Fen? Walking into his Study Les, somewhat anxiously, picks up the receiver, his face etched with concentration.

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