War Memorial Gary Trouton

The Ghost Writer

December 2001

The novel continues...

I enjoyed reading Les Lawrence's article in the October Pump entitled Its' Good to Write.

I bought the Pump last month just to read page 2 of his novel but it wasn't there. So, I have had to carry on this novel for Les as he seems to have forgotten about it. Perhaps another reader would like to write page 3 of Les's novel?

Les was beginning to think he'd come on a fool's errand - but then - he heard her sliding down the bank.

"Pity we had to wait until the dark winter nights," he thought; but half the villagers would be swimming in the river in summer. His thoughts were interrupted as Anne crept under the bridge and into his arms. Cold nights and wet grass were forgotten as he kissed her. He had another quick drag on his Embassy No 1 and then threw the stub into the river, where it gave a quick sizzle and disappeared.

Suddenly, there was a faint sound of footsteps on the grassy ban. Les,, who had released Anne, suddenly found himself back in her arms. He could hardly breathe! Someone must have followed Anne to her secret assignation. "Is this really worth it?" he thought. At that moment he saw the largest rat in Stoke Ferry coming towards them. They saw each other at the same time. The rat squealed, Anne screamed and the late night birds fluttered up out of the bushes in alarm........

What happens on Page 3, readers?

A fan of Les Lawrence

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