River Wissey Lovell Fuller

Northwold PC AGM 2016

August 2016

Councillors present: Cllr. R. Crisp – Chair (RC), Cllr. A. Muir (AM), Cllr. S. Leet, Cllr C. Pointeer (CP), Cllr F. Eglington(FE), Cllr. G. Gillett & Cllr. S. Gillett Present: Vicky Bright, Clerk & Cllr. Martin Storey - NCC Item 16/05/1 i)


16/05/2 i)


16/05/3 16/05/4

16/05/5 16/05/6


16/05/8 i) ii)

16/05/9 i) ii)


16/05/11 i)


16/05/12 i)


iii) 16/05/13 i)

ii) 16/05/14 i)



iv) 16/05/15 i)


iii) iv) 16/05/16 i)

ii) iii)

iv) v) 16/05/17 Election of Chairman: Cllr. Rosemary Crisp was proposed by Cllr. Frank Eglington and seconded by Cllr. Alison Muir. Cllr. Rosemary Crisp was elected following a majority vote for and Cllr. Crisp accepted the position of Chairman for the year 2016-2017.

To Receive the Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office: Cllr. Crisp signed the declaration of office of Chairman for the year 2016-2017 and this was witnessed and countersigned by the Clerk.

Accepted Apologies for absence - LGA 1972, Section 85(1) & (2): Cllr. Alan Collins, Cllr. Clifford Anderson and Cllr. Adrian Jenkinson. Absent: Cllr. Mick Peake.

Election of Vice Chairman: With the Vice Chairman, Cllr. Alan Collins sending his apologies for tonight’s meeting it was felt that this item should be deferred to the July meeting, to enable all candidates to be present.

To Receive the Declarations of Office by Members All members signed their declaration of office of Councillor for the year 2016-2017 and these were witnessed and countersigned by the Clerk. The Clerk is to email the form to the 4 councillors who are not present at tonight’s meeting. Members Declaration of Interest (for items on the agenda) – LGA 2000 Part III: None.

Appointment of the Responsible Financial Officer: Resolved 16/05/05.1 It was agreed by full Council that the Clerk would continue in the role as Responsible Financial Officer for the year 2016-2017.

Approval of the Minutes of the AGM Meeting held 19th May 2015 - LGA 1972, Schedule 12, para 41(2): Resolved 16/05/07.1 The minutes of the AGM meeting held on 19th May 2015, were adopted as a true statement and signed by the Chairman (RC).

To Receive the Final Accounts for the Financial Year ended 31st March 2016: Resolved 16/05/8.1 The final accounts and Bank Reconciliations for the financial year ended 31st March 2016 were scrutinised and approved by all Councillor’s. The accounts were signed as a true statement by the Chairman (RC).

Resolved 16/05/8.2 Section 2 Accounting Statements 2015/16 of the Annual Return was approved and accepted by all Councillor’s and signed as such by the Chairman (RC) and the RFO.

Adoption of the Annual Governance Statement for 2015-2016: Resolved 16\05\9.1 The Annual Return for 2015-2016 was scrutinised and the Annual Governance Statement Section 1 was adopted as a true statement by all Councillor’s present and signed as such by the Chairman (RC) and the RFO.

The Clerk presented the Internal Audit report following the Internal Audit carried out by Mijan Ltd on 9th May 2016. The internal auditor reports no discrepancies or areas for improvement. He did however highlight the large balance on reserves, however the Clerk advised that these reserves are due to be earmarked for the 2016-17 Wish List of Community Projects and amenities. The Internal Auditor expressed that the Cemetery Financial procedures were now acceptable and in line with legislation, rising from a score of 5- not covered from the audit in 2014-15 to a 2 – substantial this year.

Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 5th April 2016 - LGA 1972, Schedule 12, para 41(2): Resolved 16/05/10.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 5th April 2016, were adopted as a true statement and signed by the Chairman (RC).

Correspondence: The residents of Normandy Close are concerned about vehicles parking on the grass verges and areas of Green in Normandy Close, this is preventing the grass being cut. It was suggested the Clerk submit a notice in the Village Life asking people to refrain from parking on the grass.

St Andrews Church would like to invite residents and members of the Parish Council to join them and the School’s Eco Council on a Litter Pick on July 14th 2016 at 3:45pm. Refreshments are to be provided by the WI.

Highways Matters: Common Drove Footbridge Works Update Cllr. Eglington advised that on further inspection the supports for the bridge were different to first thoughts, and therefore the works proposed were no longer suitable and it would be a much more difficult job and very expensive to continue. It was agreed to abandon the project as finances would not permit the works needed being undertaken.

Ditch Headwall – Ingham’s Lane Cllr. Eglington advised that he is no longer able to move forward with this project and it was agreed to abandon this project until further notice.

Outstanding Highways Issues The Clerk advised that she had not received any update on the outstanding issues relating to Highways. Cllr. Martin Storey, NCC asked the Clerk to forward the details and email correspondence relating to the issues to him to follow up with the Highways Department.

Cemetery: Works Update Due to Cllr. Collins not being present at tonight’s meeting it was agreed to defer this item to the July meeting.

Whittington Closed Cemetery Update The Clerk confirmed that the Ministry of Justice had advised that the Privy Council meets in July to consider the closure along with a number of other churchyard closures and they will be in touch once the Order has been made.

Planning: 16/00422 – Withdrawn.

16/00566 – Withdrawn.

16/00685 – Withdrawn.

16/00795 – Conversion of an existing agricultural store (barn) to a single storey dwelling at Barn, 49 Hovells Lane, Northwold Resolved 16/05/14.1 It was agreed to offer No Objections to application 16/00795.

Finance & Policies: Parish Council Bank Balances and Reconciliation The Payments and receipts were scrutinised and approved. The Lloyds Treasurer account balance was confirmed as £72,893.02 as of 20th May 2016. Resolved 16/05/15.1 That the Bank balances and reconciliation of payments & receipts be received and adopted and initialled as such by the Chairman (RC). Cheques for signing and approval and to authorise payment of outstanding invoices Resolved 16/05/15.2 It was agreed to approve the payments of the following outstanding invoices and the cheques were approved and signed by Cllr. R. Crisp and Cllr. F. Eglington. Mrs P Angus Mileage & Hours 002018 £108.39 SALC Payroll 002019 £50.40 NALC Subscription 2016-17 002020 £197.21 E.on April/May 002021 £130.52 CGM April/May 002022 £603.84 Westcotec April/May 002023 £38.20 SLCC Advertising 002024 £210.00 Mr A Collins Queens 90th mugs 002025 £283.80 Mrs V Bright Mileage & Expenses 002026 £31.80 Northwold Village Hall Hall Hire 002027 £132.00 Came & Co. Insurance 2016-17 002028 £1,431.12

Constables Charity Bank Account Update This item was deferred to the July meeting.

Renewal of Council’s Annual Insurance Policy The Clerk presented the Council with 3 Core Cover Comparison quotes from Aviva, Hiscox and Ecclesiastical. Resolved 16/05/15.3 The Council resolved to accept the 3-year long term arrangement from Hiscox for ££1,431.12 for the year 2016-17.

Parish Matters: Handyman/Asset Maintenance & Works Update Cllr. Eglington reported that he had inspected the works with Roger Drinkwater and the works had been completed satisfactorily. The Clerk was asked to get a quote from Roger Drinkwater to finish the cemetery railings. The Clerk advised that Roger is no longer able to do the works quoted for the Sports & Social Club roof, she presented a quote from J.A. Ellis Ltd for £2, 682.56. It was agreed that the Clerk approach Worzels roofing to get an up to date quote from them before the Council decides on a new contractor to carry out the works.

Play Area Repairs & Surfacing Update The swings had now been replaced at Northwold & Whittington Play areas. The top soil for the re-surfacing of the swings and roundabout is still to do, but it is hoped that this should be completed by Thursday this week.

Queens 90th Birthday Celebrations / Carnival Donation The mugs to commemorate the Queens 90th Birthday Celebrations have now been purchased, thanks to Cllr. Alan Collins. They will be presented to the school children on Thursday 9th June 2016. Cllr. Crisp is to contact the Head Teacher to finalise the details and to arrange for the Parish Council to send a representative (Cllr. Crisp & Cllr. Collins) to present the mugs.

Cllr. Crisp advised the SASC had contacted her and asked for a donation from the Parish Council towards the Carnival and Queens 90th Celebrations. Resolved 16/05/16.1 It was agreed to present the SASC with a £250 donation towards the Queens 90th Birthday Celebrations.

Sheridan School Update Cllr. Leet advised that she had met with the new Head Teacher and PCSO Claire Law to set in place guidelines for the students and use of the Recreation Ground, the meeting went well. An agreement was signed stating that the school will not use the Recreation Ground without prior approval. An apology was received from the Head Teacher regarding the recent use by a small group of Primary children, she assured us that this would not happen again and that the Teacher in question had been spoken to. The school is keen to get the children involved in the Community and is looking at projects to be involved in. It was suggested that the students attend PC meetings to give updates on the school and any community involvement, It was suggested that the Parish Council could attend the school to present prizes.

Northwold Community Improvements Wish List 2016-17 The Clerk presented some preliminary designs and quotes for the suggested projects on the list from the February meeting. It was agreed that further quotes and designs were needed, and that the Clerk should look into Grants & Funding available and their eligibility requirements and deadlines. Once this information is in place the Council will hold a Public Consultation to vote on the projects to move forward with.

The next meeting is to be held on Tuesday 5th July 2016 at 7:30pm in the Village Hall. Items for the next meeting: • Footpath No. 1 • Highways Issues Update from Cllr. Storey/Highways • Grass-cutting at Whittington – CGM • BT Faster Broadband update • Election of Vice Chairman • Cemetery Works & Railings Quote Update • Constables Charity Bank Account Update • SASC Roof Quote

Meeting Closed at 20:32pm

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