West Dereham Sign Gary Trouton

West Dereham Parish Council Meeting June 16

July 2016

DR ParishAFT MINUTES OF THE WEST DEREHAM PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD AT WEST DEREHAM VILLAGE HALL AT 7.30 pm ON THURSDAY 2 JUNE 2016 PRESENT (6 Councillors): - Claire Cann (CC) – Chairman, Pam Bullas (PB), Lorraine Hunt (LH), Paula Kellingray (PK), Pam Walker (PW), Claire Williams (CW). Clerk: - Sarah Thorpe 9 members of the public were in attendance. Papers presented to Councillors: (i) Financial Management Report (spreadsheet); (ii) Expenditure (for approval); (iii) Glazewing report; (iv) Summary of Receipts & Payments for 2015/16. The Chairman welcomed everyone present and opened the meeting.

1. Apologies for absence. Apologies had been received from Tom Foy (TF); County Councillor Brian Long (BL), and Borough Councillor Sandra Squire (SS).

2. Declarations of Interest. No declarations were made.

3. Use of social media, audio recording of meeting and invitation for public contributions. CC asked “Will anyone present be filming, recording, blogging, or tweeting during this meeting?” No member of the public present at this stage advised that they would. CC advised members of the public that if they wished to comment on any item, before a decision was made, they should raise their hand and they would be invited to speak.

4. Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 4 May 2016. CC confirmed all Councillors had seen the minutes of the Parish Council (PC) meeting held on 4 May 2016. These were agreed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

5. Reports. 5.1 Chairman’s Report. 5.1.1 Cemetery improvements. CC reported that work had started to erect the new cemetery gates and pillars; however the gates had that day been returned to the manufacturer for some adjustments to the fixings. It was expected that this would be done early next week and the pillars would then be built and the project completed by the end of the week. The improvement work on the garden of remembrance had also commenced with most of this work now completed; some further work was needed to the area surrounding the existing memorials and the project could not be completed until delivery of the benches and bird bath. 5.1.2 Overhanging hedge on Mill Lane/A134 junction. CC reported that a member of the public had approached her regarding the hedge on the West Dereham (WD) side of the junction; it was overgrown and obstructing visibility on entering the A134 from Mill Lane. Clerk to report to Highways.

5.2 Clerk’s Report. 5.2.1 SAM2 sign. An item had appeared in the last village notice asking for residents to come forward with suggested locations for the sign before it was discussed at a PC meeting and a meeting was arranged with the Highways Engineer, who will need to approve the suggested locations. No replies have been received at this stage however the item would appear again in the next village notice before it was added to the PC agenda. 5.2.2 Neighbourhood Plan. The BC had commenced the consultation on the Neighbourhood area. This would run from 16 May to 27 June and notices would be put up on the PC notice boards to advise residents.

5.3 Handyman’s Report. The Handyman had removed an overhanging branch at Stocks Bridge; strimmed around Stocks Bridge; cleaned and painted the railings and posts; filled in the holes on the footpath over Stocks Bridge; cleared weeds from the Church Road planters; cleaned and painted the posts and rails at the bridge near Hudson’s Garage; strimmed around the footpath at the junction of Church Road/Lime Kiln Road. The following issues were reported by members of the public at the meeting which needed attention around the village: Church Road – trees overhanding from land adjacent to the village hall. Clerk to report to Highways. Willow Farm – tree at the edge of the road had fallen down and needed to be cleared away. Clerk to report to Highways. Removal of the brambles from the Recreation Ground which were cut down by the Community Payback Team. Clerk to contact CGM to obtain a quotation for removal of these brambles.

5.4 Police Report. PK advised that weekly updates from the police did not show any incidents in the parish however they did advise that as part of a Norfolk 2020 review into the future of policing in the county, a King’s Lynn and West Norfolk Engagement Officer role has been created to look at how their neighbourhood engagement is provided. This pilot role would run for six months, aiming to support existing community relationships and grow new local activities through the use of social media and traditional engagement including face-to-face meetings, Police Connect, Facebook, Twitter and Neighbourhood Watch. Members of the public were invited to make comments on police issues and one resident asked for the contact details regarding reporting the issues of noise nuisance which were discussed at the last PC meeting. Details were provided and it was pointed out that they also appeared in the latest village magazine on the PC page.

5.5 Village Hall Report. PK advised that the village hall had just finished a four day beer festival; community chest vouchers from the EDP were being collected and if the village hall obtained 500 in a month they could apply for a grant; a WD cookbook was being considered and there was a request for recipes to be submitted for inclusion. The village hall now stocks local produce along with pre-ordered fresh bread twice a week. An item to be included in the next PC village notice to inform residents of this service.

5.6 Broadband Report. PW advised that she had not received any further update from Karen O’Kane (KOK) from Better Broadband for Norfolk (BBfN) regarding whether the new cabinet on Church Road would cover all of Lime Kiln Road. PW had contacted her over the last few days but KOK was currently on leave. It was reported that residents at a property on Lime Kiln Road had recently told BT that some underground cables that ran along the side of the road had become exposed. Concern was expressed that if this matter was not actioned it could result in loss of service for residents in the area.

5.7 Glazewing Report. Richard Stimson (RS), Compliance Manager, at Glazewing (GW) had provided a monthly report for the PC meeting. The report commented on issues arising regarding vehicles in and out of the site - GW continue to remind all drivers regarding access routes and speed limits. Also GW had arranged for the watercourse adjacent to their park to be cleaned out, and would set up a maintenance plan for this; however this work hadn’t been completed and RS would chase up the contractor. With regard to dust from the container yard RS would be putting up 5MPH speed limits signs for this area, also during dry spells GW would use their water bowser to suppress the dust. Signs had been ordered and RS was awaiting delivery. The PC felt that this report was very similar to the report supplied last month as it covered the same issues. CW had called the GW office on Monday 9 May regarding a complaint about a GW lorry that almost sent her off the road, it was driving far too fast and also this was on Ryston Road, where they should not be. The receptionist that CW spoke to had understood the complaint as she lives on Hilgay Road and advised that the complaint would be passed to RS; however there was no mention of it in his report. Clerk to go back to RS to raise this query. 6. Finance. 6.1 Accounts. Accounts for approval and the monthly financial management report were submitted by the Clerk. She advised that the income and expenditure for April 2016 had now been confirmed and estimated figures for May had been inserted based upon invoices received. Payee Cheque No Net VAT Gross Clerk’s salary, expenses for May – 44 hours 100868 604.90 604.90 Handyman’s contract, expenses plus 10 hours for May 100869 129.44 4.25 133.69 CGM Ltd – ground maintenance Mar/April 100870 543.68 108.74 652.42 Tor Stone Ltd – benches & bird bath for cemetery 100871 433.31 86.66 519.97 Mr R C French – allotment maintenance 100872 213.00 213.00 Total 1924.33 199.65 2123.98

The payments were considered and approved. Cheques to be signed at the end of the meeting.

6.2 Parish Taxbases and Precepts for 2016/17. CC advised that the PC had now received some information from the Borough Council (BC) regarding comparative taxbases in the BC area. This information was still incomplete and needed analysis and as soon as this could be done and there was any news for residents an item would appear in the village notice to provide an explanation.

7. Documentation for end of year accounts for 2015/16 7.1 Summary of Receipts & Payments. The Clerk had produced a document which was circulated to all prior to the start of the meeting. It was also available to view at the meeting on the overhead projector. The information was briefly discussed and it was agreed to accept this document as a true representation of the receipts and payments for 2015/16.

7.2 Internal Auditors Report. The Clerk had provided a copy of the report to all Councillors prior to the meeting. It confirmed that the Internal Audit had been carried out and that the Auditor was satisfied that the PC had conducted its affairs in line with proper practice for the year of 2015/16. The report was accepted by the PC.

7.3 Annual Governance Statement. The Clerk read out the Governance Statements on the Annual Return and the PC agreed to answer “yes” to statements 1-8 on page 2 of the Annual Return. The Annual Return was signed by CC and the Clerk.

7.4 Accounting Statements. The Clerk explained the Accounting Statements on page 3 of the Annual Return and advised that the Internal Auditor had checked these figures to confirm that they agreed with the PC accounts for 2015/16. It was agreed to approve these Accounting Statements and the Annual Return was signed by CC and the Clerk.

The Clerk advised that all information relating to the Annual Return and end of year accounts for 2015/16 would shortly be placed on the PC website along with information on the rights of electors to examine the documentation. It was agreed that information on electors’ rights should also be placed in the next village notice.

8. Planning. Applications. 8.1 16/00261/F First floor extension at Springfield House, Lime Kiln Road. . The PC discussed the application and CC asked for parishioners’ comments; no comments were made. The PC decided to SUPPORT the application. Decisions. None 9. Village Assets. 9.1 Refurbishment of Telephone boxes. The Handyman had provided information on options and cost for the refurbishment of the boxes. This information needed to be considered and further quotes obtained before it could be considered at the PC meeting. It was agreed to carry this item forward to the August PC meeting but that the Handyman should commence the rubbing down and repainting of the boxes immediately.

9.2 Garden of Remembrance in the Cemetery. The order had been placed with Tor Stone for stone benches and a bird bath however they had advised that they required payment before the items could be manufactured and delivered. The total cost was £519.97 including VAT. It was agreed by all that this payment should be issued in advance of receipt of the items. A parishioner reported damage to name plates at the cemetery by the grass cutting contractor. It appeared that two or three had been run over and broken when cutting the grass. It was agreed that a letter should be sent to CGM asking them to investigate this matter and review the situation regarding the machinery they were using to cut the grass. A parishioner asked about the improvement works at the garden of remembrance and agreed for her details to be passed to the contractors carrying out the work so that she could meet with them to discuss the work involving minor adjustments to the current memorials. CW agreed to contact another relative of a memorial to ask if they also wished to meet with the contractor prior to the work taking place. Details of other relatives was unknown and it was believed that some of them no longer lived in the village. An item had appeared in the last two village notices regarding this issue and it was felt that the PC could do no more and that the work should go ahead after the meeting with the contractor and the relatives that had already been identified. The hedge at the back of the cemetery needed to be cut and PB agreed to make contact with a contractor who may be willing to undertake this work and to obtain a quotation.

9.3 Contract for Ground Maintenance for 2016 and 2017. The contract that had been signed with CGM in 2015 was only for one year and had therefore ended. CGM had advised that they were willing to extend the contract for 2016 and 2017 at the same price. It was agreed that the PC should continue with the contract for 2016 but that this may not include the cemetery as quotations were also being obtained from the contractor carrying out the improvement works to the garden of remembrance for maintenance of this area and the entire cemetery. If the contract for the cemetery did remain with CGM consideration would need to be given to the equipment used to cut the grass in the cemetery and the churchyard in light of recent damage.

10. Assets Register. The Assets Register needed to be updated to include the village gateways as they had been purchased during 2015/16 but had not yet been installed. As payment for the benches and bird bath for the garden of remembrance had also been issued it was agreed that the village gateways and the benches and bird bath should be added to the Assets Register. The Clerk confirmed that valuations of assets were automatically increased each year in line with inflation by the insurance broker when the policy was renewed in June.

11. Correspondence. 11.1 A letter had been received from Fields in Trust regarding the Centenary Fields Programme. It was agreed that the PC should write to local landowners asking them if they wished to donate land to the village for it to become designated under this programme. Contact details to be provided to the Clerk for the letters to be issued.

12. Other Business – Any additional reports and items for inclusion on the next Agenda. 12.1 PB advised that she still had the village map board. It was agreed that the Clerk would ask the Handyman to collect it and re-instate it in the original place on Station Road which could be identified by CW. 12.2 PK advised that potholes had been repaired on Church Road but that some had been missed outside No 8 and No 9. She would contact Highways about this but it was also agreed that the Clerk should report this issue as well.

The official meeting concluded at 8.58pm, and was opened to the floor for general comment. Open Forum. • A parishioner enquired about taking on an allotment plot and was requested to supply her details to the Clerk at the end of the meeting who would pass them to the Allotment Liaison Officer. • An update was requested on installation of the village gateways. The Clerk advised that Highways had said this would be done shortly but she would chase the matter up again along with the installation of the additional sign on the A134. • It was reported that a drain was blocked at the junction of Lime Kiln Road with the A134. Clerk to report to Highways.

Closure. The Chairman thanked everyone for attending, and final closure of the meeting was at 9.03pm. Next PC meeting is on Thursday 7 July 2016 at 7.30pm with Open Surgery from 7.00pm. Clerk: Sarah Thorpe Email: clerk@westderehamparishcouncil.uk Telephone: 01945 430930

Chairman’s signature …………………………………… Date ……………………………

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